
What we offer

Drug Comparison aims to offer a unique ordering solution to your Pharmacy.
Our simple yet powerful platform allows you and your team members to easily place orders to the cheapest supplier.

PMR Ordering

Orders can be sent via various
PMR systems

100% Transparency

You can see the prices of Drugs including Drug Tariff before you order!

All your Brand Support Deals in one Place

UK Ethicals and Brand Support Deals are calculated at NET price level i.e. after discounts when comparing against PI's.

Detailed Reports

Monitor your spend between various wholesalers & Track your Profit Margins against Drug Tariff and much more...

Order Transmission

Order Transmission is quick and any out of stock lines can be ordered automatically to the next cheapest supplier under DT price.

Track your Orders

You can track your orders between any two dates and categorise them into various product categories as well.

Excess Stock & Bulk Order

Manage your excess stock using our Excess Stock Panel & fast moving lines using our Bulk Ordering Feature!

Product Management

You can SET the maximum price you wish to pay for a product. This feature is extremely useful when ordering lines above DT.

Barcode Scanning

Easily scan your products and add items to your Order Pad, Bulk Order & Excess Stock page.


What they say about us

With 1000s of Pharmacies and Dispensing Doctors already using Drug Comparison, you can enjoy 30 days FREE trial and become part of an ever growing community of Drug Comparison members!


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03330 5044 90

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